The Advanced Capabilities Behind Your Basic Profile

After the 5 minutes it takes to sign-up for Betabound, you’re ready to get paired with testing the types of tech products you love. Creating a Betabound profile is a simple, yet effective, way to determine which exclusive testing opportunities you’re best fit for. While there are various profiles that you can complete to shape your testing experience, the most crucial one is the Basic Profile.

The Basic Profile is the only form required to officially become a Betabounder and land your first test. At a high-level, it shares details about you and the types of product tests that you really care about. It also acts as a way for you to tell us how much you want to be involved with Betabound. You can check every box and participate in every opportunity, or you can just create a profile and take a look around — that’s ok too!

Instead of asking many specific questions about you and your interests, The Basic Profile compacts things down to 3 essentials: About You, Testing Interests, and Additional Opportunities. We wanted to share a little bit about how this profile influences your testing experience on the back-end.

About You

About You

In this first section, you’re greeted with a basic demographic question, along with two technographic questions. These 3 questions help us frame what type of Betabounder you are at the most fundamental level. The small details here set the tone for what types of tests you may prefer. Even if you don’t have a smartphone or computer, sharing your preference helps us meet your expectations as we invite you to tests.

Testing Interests

Testing Interests

In this next section, you’re served a buffet of tech categories, including the various types of products we’ve tested on Betabound. Your selections here narrow down what products you’re interested in testing — or rather, what products you’re not interested in testing.

To eliminate any noise, we recommend only selecting products you truly are ready and willing to test.

Additional Opportunities

As we continue to the last section of the Basic Profile, there are just a few check-boxes that will inform us about how much you’d like to be involved with Betabound.

The first check-box offers you the opportunity to complete an Extended Profile. While the Basic Profile is all you need to start testing software (computer software, mobile apps, or games), you’ll need an Extended Profile for hardware tests (smart home tech, wearables, or streaming devices).

Receiving email invites to product tests is one of the primary reasons to sign-up for Betabound, but it’s not required. By checking this box, you’ll get invited to Centercode partner opportunities, opening yourself up to more tests on more testing sites. Leaving this unchecked will limit you to only being invited to Betabound Exclusive tests — excluding invites from partner opportunities.

In the final check-box, you’re able to toggle text message reminders from Betabound. Opting-out of texts means you won’t receive instant text notifications for competitive test opportunities.

Now You’re Ready to Start Testing

And that’s it! Once you submit your Basic Profile, the gears turn, and you officially become a Betabounder. We welcome you to a world of exclusive testing opportunities, fit for all audiences.

The only thing standing between you and testing cool products before anyone else is 7 questions within 3 sections. At the same time, your testing experience is fine-tuned to who you are, what you’re interested in, and what you’d like to hear about.

All you need is 5 minutes to create your Betabound profile in order to get paired with testing tech products that matter to you.

Get started now!